Critical Analysis of Group Dynamics Effectiveness of Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs) Members in Assam, India

Amrita Singha

District Agricultural Office, Nagaon, Govt. of Assam, India.

J.K. Sharma

Horticultural Research Station, Kahikuchi, Assam Agricultural University, India.

A.K. Singha *

ICAR-Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute, Zone-VII, Umiam, Meghalaya, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Farmer Producer Organisation (FPO) is a legal entity formed by farmers with a major role in integrating both forward and backward linkages in the agricultural sector for enhancing farmers' income and their livelihoods through reduced cultivation and transaction costs. The present study to analyse the effectiveness of group dynamics of FPOs members was conducted in Lower Brahmaputra Valley Zone (LBVZ) of Assam. In doing so, it utilized the descriptive research design following an ex-post-facto approach to fulfil the objectives of the study and to collect the cross-sectional data from 120 FPO member respondents through personal interview method during 2022. The study reveals that majority of the FPO members had a medium level of group dynamics effectiveness in all selected 12 indicators. The study also shows that among the identified 12 indicators to measure group dynamic effectiveness (GDE) of FPOs, group atmosphere was found with the highest mean value closely followed by teamwork, participation and group cohesiveness. The other indicators in order of importance based on their corresponding mean values were achievement of FPOs, confirmation to group norms, task function, decision making procedure, interpersonal trust, empathy and group communication. As many as 70 per cent members of FPOs in study areas had reported medium level of achievement of FPO, still there is huge scope for their further improvement and achievement in agriculture and allied activities and thereby enhance their income on sustainable basis. The study further reveals that Manikpur Joha Rice Producer Company Ltd. of Chirang district had the highest total GDEI score of 91.027. While Aya Baikho FPO Co-operative Society Ltd. of Goalpara district had the lowest GDEI score of 60.441.

Keywords: Group dynamics effectiveness, farmer producer organization, lower Brahmaputra valley zone, Assam

How to Cite

Singha , A., Sharma , J., & Singha , A. (2024). Critical Analysis of Group Dynamics Effectiveness of Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs) Members in Assam, India. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology, 42(5), 222–232.


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