Entrepreneurial Behaviour of Sugarcane Growers in Shahpura Block of Jabalpur District, Madhya Pradesh, India

Shivpal Singh *

Medi-Caps University, Indore,453331 (M.P.), India.

Suresh Barde

Medi-Caps University, Indore,453331 (M.P.), India.

Girish Patidar

Medi-Caps University, Indore,453331 (M.P.), India.

Jinendra Birla

Medi-Caps University, Indore,453331 (M.P.), India.

Rajkumar Nargave

Department of Extension Education, J.N.K.V.V., Jabalpur, 482004 (M.P.), India.

S. K. Agrawal

Department of Extension Education, J.N.K.V.V., Jabalpur, 482004 (M.P.), India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The aim of the research, which took place in the Shahpura block in the Jabalpur district of Madhya Pradesh in the period 2015–16 was to examine the entrepreneurial practices of sugarcane farmers. 120 farmers who were chosen using proportionate random sampling from ten villages in the Shahpura block of the Jabalpur district were interviewed in order to get the data. According to the survey, a greater proportion of sugarcane growers (60.84%) exhibited medium levels of entrepreneurial behavior. Only age was found to have a non-significant relationship with the entrepreneurial behavior of sugarcane growers, while the other independent variables—education, size of land holding, area under sugarcane crop, material possession, social participation, annual income, information source utilization, extension contact, economic motivation, and scientific orientation—had positive and significant relationships with the entrepreneurial behavior of the growers.

Keywords: Entrepreneurial, behaviour, sugarcane, growers, technology, social participation, cash crop

How to Cite

Singh , Shivpal, Suresh Barde, Girish Patidar, Jinendra Birla, Rajkumar Nargave, and S. K. Agrawal. 2024. “Entrepreneurial Behaviour of Sugarcane Growers in Shahpura Block of Jabalpur District, Madhya Pradesh, India”. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology 42 (6):168-72. https://doi.org/10.9734/ajaees/2024/v42i62474.