Dr. Roxana Plesa

Ever since I started teaching at the University level, I have been passionate in my commitment to three things: maximizing individual student performance, inspiring students’ interest in social sciences and instilling a sense of self-worth among all students. I have dedicated my career to each of these pursuits, as my enclosed resume will attest.


In the last four years, working as a career counselor at the University, I encourage students to use sources of information to aid in their safety in the community and also I advise students to be able to optimize their own educational plan and career path.


My qualifications include 12 years of university teaching experience, PhD in Sociology, Master Degree in Sociology - Social change and social policy, BA in Sociology and also BA in Psychology. As always eager for knowledge, I recently graduated postgraduate studies in Educational interventions for children with disabilities and their families and Continuing professional development in education.


Also, I have case-manager experience in voluntary job at Maria Stein Day Residential Center for children and young people in difficulty.